JPS Chartered Surveyors act on behalf of a number of Asset Based Lenders, Banks, and Finance Companies. We have considerable experience and expertise to understand our clients’ requirements. We have developed our resources and knowledge management capabilities to provide a truly unique offering to instructing clients
The services we provide to lenders includes:
- Providing pre-lend advice on Market Values, Residual Values and suitability for lending to assist in the management of risk;
- Preparation of Valuation Reports for Machinery and Business Assets and property interests, in compliance with RICS Valuation – Professional Standards (“the Red Book”);
- Agent for recovery departments, on-site inspection or desktop appraisal advice to determine condition, access and value of subject assets, with recommendation advice in relation to offers received or sale strategy;
- Where necessary, collection and recovery of assets to our 20,000 sq. ft. fixed storage facilities in Whitefield, Manchester;
- Sale of assets by methods including traditional auction, online auction, tender sale or private treaty.
- Client accounting using self-bill invoices and systems which are Regulated by RICS.