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The opportunity to acquire the business and/or assets of a specialist B2B marketing agency based in the North of England. Overview Leading provider of a comprehensive range of marketing solutions to innovative technology led engineering and manufacturing businesses. Well established network of clients in... [read more]
We are inviting offers for the business and assets of an established UK based software product company, that is focused on producing innovative and transformational large-scale software solutions to manage complex Networks, IT infrastructure and Services for Telecoms Operators & CSP's, Smart Energy IoT,... [read more]
Introduction Dow Schofield Watts Business Recovery LLP has been instructed by the board of directors to assist in the sale of an independent niche recruitment company. Due to the financial position of the company, it is anticipated that a sale of the business and... [read more]
The opportunity to acquire the business and/or assets of  a leading provider of green energy solar panel solutions in the UK. Overview The Company offers comprehensive services around renewable energy solar pane installation. This includes design, installation, maintenance packages, and technical support for large-scale... [read more]